Baker Ross Halloween Colouring Treat Boxes - 12 Colour-In Treat Boxes in Halloween Designs To Paint And Decorate. Size: 6cm. Art & Crafts
Brand: Baker Ross
Is it a trick? Is it a treat? We’re afraid that remains to be seen…! Children will love creating these ghoulish gift-wrap solutions! Perfect for use as Halloween party bags, their recipients won’t know if they’re getting a trick or a treat! Each little box comes flat and pre-printed with a spooktacular design, so kids can colour between the lines. But the fun has only just begun, once the colouring is complete, it’s time to put it together. It’s easy to build, then up to you to fill! Handmade gifts or yummy sweets can be perfectly concealed, but will they dare to reach inside and reveal the hidden surprise? Colour, create, build and fill!
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