Haute Florist Premium Pink Roses
Brand: Haute Florist
Introducing our NEW Luxury Pink Rose bouquet perfect to show Mum just how much you love her this Mother's Day. Our florists have picked this exclusive Rose with a large 6cm Rose head that will bloom beautifully in a tall vase. This bouquet includes 12 long-stemmed Roses are easy to care for and fresh Ruscus creating an elegant arrangement. Ensure you keep the flowers away from heat sources and refresh the water in your vase every couple of days along with a trim to the stems. The Revival Rose in this box is originally from Kenya grown wild at a high altitude climate, delivered fresh to our florists and lovingly prepared for you! Roses arrive with guard petals that protect the inside of the Rose, if your Rose arrives with some outer brown petals please remove these as the inside of the Rose remains blooming beautiful!
Store: www.hauteflorist.co.uk
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