ZIPIT Black & Silver Monster Pencil Case with free mini stickers
Brand: Funky Labels
How funky is this pencil case? We’re including 20 Free Mini Personalised Stickers that are ideal for labeling smaller items such as pens and pencils etc.
You’re bound to smile each time you open up your bright-eyed, ZIPIT Black and Silver Monster Pouch. It’s got a big personality and is practical for storing a wide variety of items in a fun, unique way. You’ll love the genius design featuring one continuous zipper. It’s also got an extra-wide 19.8 cm opening so you can easily find anything you’ve stored inside.
This patented pencil pouch measures 22 x 2 x 9 cm and can be machine washed to keep it looking as good as new. Sturdy polyester means it can stand up to all your storage needs. Use this versatile pencil case to hold:
- Up to 30 pens and pencils
- School/office supplies
- Makeup/cosmetics
- Earphones, chargers
- Money and more!
Store: www.funkylabels.co.uk
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